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EvoWall News

Call for offers – Oferta de serveis (Project 101103450-Penplushomes)

3 de April de 2023 | Eloi Tarrés


EVOWALL TECHNOLOGY is a partner in Horizon Europe’s RENplusHOMES project, which will start in the coming weeks and is led by RINA CONSULTING SPA.

This project has as its main objective to develop a universal methodology for energy positive homes and residences; so as to facilitate the transition to climate neutral and energy positive buildings.

EVOWALL TECHNOLOGY’s participation is focused on the fact that, based on a solution already available on the market (EVOWALL construction kit) for single-family houses, a new kit will be developed for multi-family houses and high-rise buildings; taking into account all aspects of passive houses and aligning it with the objectives of sustainable development and circular economy.


For all these reasons, it is necessary to hire a company/professional, who can offer:

  • Knowledge and vision in the whole area of sustainability in all decisions and solutions to be adopted.
  • Support in project management.
  • Attendance at project meetings, preparation and review of technical and administrative documentation.
  • Development in: Catalan, Spanish and English.

Bids are expected before June 1, 2023 (sent to and must include a reference to the full name and project code indicated in this text. Must include:

* Proven experience in environmental and sustainability consulting activities.

* Proven experience in consulting and management activities in European projects.

In case of doubt or comment, please contact us directly at the e-mail address indicated above.


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Ctra. Artés, S/N 08272
Sant Fruitós de Bages, Barcelona

EVOWALL was created with the purpose of driving a paradigm shift in the construction sector. Drawing on the expertise of a multidisciplinary team, the necessary technology has been developed and patented to create an innovative construction system for high-quality homes in a much faster and more sustainable way.