During the opening session, the focus of the 25th International Passive House Conference was already set: we must mitigate climate change. Efficiency is the Passivhaus objective, but it must be considered that it will be getting hotter and hotter all around the world. Therefore, minimize the environmental impact is gaining more and more prominence and must be a priority.
This edition of the 25intPHC has coincided with the 30th anniversary of the first Passive House in Darmstadt, Germany, and with the 25th anniversary of the Passive House Institute, organizer of the conference.
Passive House Awards 2021
The Passive House Award is an international architectural competition for highly energy efficient buildings organized by the Passive House Institute. Several Passivhaus projects are presented and judged according to criteria such as design, profitability, innovation, energy supply and sustainability, with special attention to the integration of renewable energies.
The awards ceremony was held on September 10th within the 25intPCH. Evowall wants to congratulate the winners of each category but also all the participants. Thanks to all these projects we have an increasingly sustainable world.
Passivhaus Awards winners
- Retrofit
Chaix & Morel et Associés und Christian Anton Pichler ZT GmbH - Multi-unit residential building
ArchitekturWerkstatt Vallentin GmbH - Non-residential building
- Passive House & renewables
De LaPuerta+Campo Arquitectos - Single-family home
bere:architects - Educational building
Street Monkey Architects
Special Awards
- EnergieAgentur.NRW – Sonderpreis NRW
BSMC, Dr. Bernd Steinmüller, Architekturbüro Igor Wispler, Paderborn - Swisspacer award – Living Comfort
Kit Knowles (Ecospheric) and Chris Rodgers (Guy Taylor Associates)
- Dr. Wolfgang Feist award – Sustainable retrofit
Richter Architectes et Associés - SIGA award – Airtightness
Low Hammond Rowe Architecture
Component Impulse Talk session
Our participation in this online session was to present our solution to the Passivhaus world. We have developed a prefabricated system, with the ETA – European Technical Assessment certification, for passive custom concrete houses. The EVOWALL system is based on three principles:
- Passivhaus standard
- energy savings
- interior comfort
- Prefabrication
- to reduce time and costs
- better project control
- Customization
- to promote architecture
- traditional materials
Evowall catches the eye of Dr. Wolfgang Feist
During the presentation of our system, there was a lot of interest from the audience. There were questions about the certification of the product, the solution to avoid thermal bridges and the customization options for the system. Among them, it is worth highlighting the founder of the Passivhaus standard, Dr. Wolfgang Feist, who was attentive to our presentation and finally commented:
“Evowall – Another example for a regional production based on good science.”
The interest shown by everyone and the attention of the founder of the Passivhaus standard give us even more strength to continue working on our project and help expand the concept of sustainable construction.
Thank you all!
Thanks Dr. Wolfgang Feist!