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EvoWall News

Launch of construction for “La Termal” in la Garriga: a Positive-Energy Pilot Building

6 de December de 2024 | Evowall

EVOWALL, in partnership with ROIG Construccions, has commenced work on the La Termal project in La Garriga, Vallès Oriental. This pilot project involves a multifamily positive-energy residential building under the European REN+HOMES program. The industrialized system allows for the construction of high-quality homes, reducing execution times and minimizing environmental impact. The work has already started with the basement phase, while assembly of the floors is scheduled for February, with a total construction time of 12 months.

REN+HOMES: A European Drive Towards Sustainable Housing

The European Union-funded REN+HOMES project seeks to develop a universal methodology to promote Positive Energy Buildings (PEBs) that generates more energy than they consume. La Termal is one of two European pilots selected to apply and validate innovative solutions for new construction. This project stands out for its use of the EVOWALL construction system, which combines sustainability, rapid execution, and maximum energy efficiency.

“La Termal”: A Cutting-Edge Building

The La Termal project consists of two four-story buildings housing 14 apartments. It has been designed by the Hem Green&Balanced Architecture firm and, in collaboration with the Consorcio PassivHaus, Praxis Resilient Buildings, and Energiehaus, it will achieve Passivhaus Premium certification. The Passivhaus certification and the EVOWALL system are key to achieving nearly zero energy consumption and attaining positive-energy status through photovoltaic installation. This pilot building represents a step forward in transforming the construction sector and positions La Garriga as a European benchmark, reinforcing its commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.

This project underscores EVOWALL’s leadership in transforming the construction sector and establishes La Garriga as a European benchmark in sustainability and energy efficiency.

Ctra. Artés, S/N 08272
Sant Fruitós de Bages, Barcelona

EVOWALL was created with the purpose of driving a paradigm shift in the construction sector. Drawing on the expertise of a multidisciplinary team, the necessary technology has been developed and patented to create an innovative construction system for high-quality homes in a much faster and more sustainable way.